Red Webz Tattoos



What We Do

Custom Tattoos

Let us bring your vision to life and create a piece of art you can cherish forever

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  • We prefer to have a consult session to discuss the design
  • Once you’re happy with the consult we require a deposit to create the design and secure your booking
  • Price is determined by size, placement and detail/complexity of the tattoo
Permanent Make-up

Our permanent make-up treatments are safe and professionally done by Candice, who has an Internationally Accredited Certificate in Permanent Make-Up

Lip Blush – R1500

Our lip blush treatment adds a gentle flush of colour, enhancing your smile with a touch of subtle charm.

Powder Brows – R1200

Our powder technique sculpts a delicate frame for your face, a touch of grace for everyday elegance.

Eyeliner – R1200

Define your gaze with our expert touch, effortlessly enhancing your eyes’ natural beauty

Contact Us

Walk In’s Welcome For Consults

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Darren is a Custom Tattoo Artist who loves doing tattoos for the individual… He also shares the studio with Candice, who has an Internationally Accredited Certificate in Permanent Make-up.

Trading Hours

Monday – Saturday:   10:00 – 17:00

Sunday:   10:00 – 13:00



What We Do

Custom Tattoos
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  • We prefer to have a consult session to discuss the design
  • Once you’re happy with the consult we require a deposit to create the design and secure your booking
  • Price is determined by size, placement and detail/complexity of the tattoo
Permanent Make-up

Our permanent make-up treatments are safe and professionally done by Candice, who has an Internationally Accredited Certificate in Permanent Make-Up

Lip Blush – R1500

Our lip blush treatment adds a gentle flush of colour, enhancing your smile with a touch of subtle charm.

Powder Brows – R1200

Our powder technique sculpts a delicate frame for your face, a touch of grace for everyday elegance.

Eyeliner – R1200

Define your gaze with our expert touch, effortlessly enhancing your eyes’ natural beauty


Walk In’s Welcome For Consults

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Darren is a Custom Tattoo Artist who loves doing tattoos for the individual… He also shares the studio with Candice, who has an Internationally Accredited Certificate in Permanent Make-up.

  • Walk in’s welcome for consults
  • We do not offer piercings
  • We don’t tattoo under 18’s
Trading Hours

Monday – Saturday:   10:00 – 17:00

Sunday:   10:00 – 13:00



Pain is really relative. Everyone has a different tolerance for pain. We’re not going to kid you, though—it does hurt. Just not that much. But, people would not be returning again and again for tattoo after tattoo if it hurt that bad. Most of us are not into pain, but the beauty of the tattoo and the pride associated with wearing it far outweighs a little pin-stick here and there.

Tattoos typically take two to four weeks to heal on the surface, but it can take three to six months to fully heal. The tattoo healing process typically involves a week of redness and oozing, followed by two to three weeks of itchiness and peeling. After about a month, the skin still internally heals.

Pat your skin dry with a soft cloth. Apply a small amount of fragrance-free and alcohol-free moisturizer to the tattoo. You can keep the covering off at this point to let your skin breathe. Keep this routine up for the first couple of weeks, and keep the tattoo out of the sun until it’s fully healed.

Permanent Make-Up

We use a topical anesthetic to help ease the pain, each treatment starts with numbing the area for 20-30 minutes before starting and the anesthetic is reapplied on the area during the treatment.

Permanent make-up can last up to 2 years if the correct touch ups and aftercare procedures are followed as the technician requires.

I measure the angles of your face which will all0w me to create a brow shape that is natural to your face and eyes.